Problem-Solving in Shipping and Warehousing: Packing a Shipping Container

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This highly recommended activity comes from the NYSED/CUNY CareerKits. It can be found in the Transportation and Warehousing CareerKit, in Unit 3, Section 4.

After valuable scaffolding in foundational concepts, students work in groups to solve a real-world math problem of determining how to arrange boxes on a pallet to fit the maximum number of boxes.

One of the standards assessed by the HSE exam requires students to solve real-world mathematical problems involving volume of three-dimensional objects composed of right prisms. This problem allows students to apply geometric methods to a real-world situation. Students at multiple levels can contribute and develop mathematical understanding. It is helpful but not essential for students to have been previously introduced to the concepts of length, area and volume. In the course of the lesson, they will understand that volume is a measurement of the space inside an object, in this case a cardboard box and the 3-dimensional space on a pallet.

In addition to volume, students engaging in this activity will work with length, area, surface area, volume, and geometric nets.

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