Plate Tectonics (PhET simulation)

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This simulation from PhET explores how tectonic plates move on the surface of the earth. Students can change temperature, composition, and thickness of plates to see what happens. Discover how to create new mountains, volcanoes, or oceans!

Sample Learning Goals

  • Describe the differences between oceanic and continental crust, including their properties of density, composition, temperature and thickness.
  • Predict how changes in composition and temperature change crust density and buoyancy.
  • Deduce the type of plate boundary given images or descriptions of surface features.
  • Explain which types of plate boundaries create crust, and which destroy crust

Note: This simulation requires Java. Many of PhET’s simulations are being updated to HTML5 which allows them to be run in a regular browser.

To learn more about PhET simulations, read this review.

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