Graphing and Comparing Linear Equations (DESMOS activity)

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Adult education teacher Carol Cashion created this Desmos lesson to presents a series of activities using tables, equations, graphs and student observations to build a conceptual understanding of the features of a linear function: slope and y-intercept.

Students will have opportunities to:

  • Use a function equation to identify points on the graph of that equation
  • Analyze and compare the graphs of lines with the same slope and different y-intercepts
  • Graph equations starting with the y-intercept
  • Build definitions of y-intercept and slope from student observations
  • Analyze and compare the graphs of lines with different slopes
  • Identify the slope of a line from a graph
  • Connect understanding of slope to rise over run
  • Connect understandings of slope and y-intercept to y=mx+b form

Here are a few sample screens:

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