Unit 4: Using Systems of Equations to Make and Justify Choices

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Systems of equations appear frequently on the HSE exam, as well as almost all college-entrance exams. Our students really struggle with this material, especially since it is so often introduced without any real-world context or discussion of its usefulness. However, developing an understanding of how systems of equations work can pay big dividends both in and out of the classroom. The problems in this unit use real-world scenarios to present a scaffolded introduction to the topic. Students will continue to explore the many different views of functions, and they will learn how systems of equations can be a useful tool for drawing conclusions and justifying choices.

Skills Developed:

  • Writing systems of equations in two variables.
  • Using tables and graphs to compare two linear functions.
  • Understanding the significance of the point on the graph where
    two lines intersect.
  • Using tables, graphs, and guess & check to find solutions to systems of linear functions.
  • Seeing applications of systems of equations in science and social
    studies contexts.
  • Using systems of equations to make and justify choices.
  • Interpreting systems of equations as a means of negotiation between
    competing interests.

Additional HSE-style problems for the concepts explored in this unit can be found here.

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