Unit 2: Three Views of a Function (Rule, Table, Graph)

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The problems in this unit introduce students to the three views of a function: a rule, a table, and a graph. At the heart of the unit is the Commission Problem, which uses linear models for income growth to teach the basics of plotting points and graphing linear functions. After completing the problems in this unit, students will be able to draw explicit connections between function rules, tables, and graphs, and they will develop the foundational skills needed to interpret and graph functions like those that they will see in future units and on an HSE test.
Skills developed:
  • Creating, reading and interpreting tables
  • Creating tables from one- and two-step rules
  • Plotting points in a one-quadrant graph
  • Relating tables to linear graphs
  • Drawing inferences and conclusions based on graphed data
  • Interpreting points on a graph in real-world contexts
  • Testing whether an ordered pair fits a function, using the rule
    and the graph

Additional HSE-style problems for the concepts explored in this unit can be found here.

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