Thinking About Natural Selection (SERP Science Generation)

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This unit introduces students to the concepts of natural selection and adaptation. The unit begins with a Reader’s Theater in which a group of friends discuss whether or not the death of pigeons that aren’t smart/fast enough to get out of the way of an oncoming car helps pigeons as a species through the process of evolution.

Students will also learn about the process of natural selection by reading the story of the peppered moth. This builds on the previous unit on heredity and traits. Adaptation is also introduced, and students will consider a science-fiction scenario where humans could evolve to adapt to strange extraterrestrial environments.

Finally, students will consider a fictional case in which a barrier across a river has an unintended impact on salmon reproduction, allowing only smaller salmon to spawn. Students will design a solution to the problem and write a persuasive letter that advocates for their design. They’ll use what they’ve learned about natural selection in their letter.

(Teacher notes are available here.)

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