Introduction to Climate Change

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This science assembly on climate change was done with all students in the Adult Basic Skills Program at La Guardia Community College on March 7, 2017. The students were really engaged by the materials and, after reading articles on different aspects of climate change, they created heart-felt and provocative posters to bring awareness to climate change. We feel that this plan (which includes readings and a presentation) would work well at other programs and could be adapted to a lesson or series of lessons in a single classroom. Check the link above for the science assembly materials on climate change.

Here are some of the posters that our students created:

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4 thoughts on “Introduction to Climate Change

  1. These climate change resources worked really well in both my classes. I wondered how students would react to the “Strongly Agree, Strongly Disagree” activity, which required them to get up out of their seats and take a position on various climate change statements along a spectrum that I had taped on the wall. It had the effect of really drawing them in to the subject and the rest of the lesson followed naturally after that.

    The slides that accompany the resource were very effective in grounding the students in the meaning of “The Greenhouse Effect” and in guiding the poster activity. I followed up with a TASC like essay prompt, “Are Humans Primarily Responsible for Global Climate Change?”

    This is a resource I’d go back to again.

  2. Patricia,

    I’m happy to hear that these materials were useful! We used them with a large group of students (~80) and jigsawed the readings. Did you also break up the readings in different groups? Which readings were most useful? I’m wondering if we need to substitute out some readings in order to make sure for a history/discussion of the politics of climate change, since that is so present now.

    Also, I uploaded a few supplemental readings/handouts on Climate Change and Green Energy from


    1. Eric,

      I had two small groups so did not use all the readings. I chose, “What does meat have to do with it?, Going Green and Saving Money, and Arctic Ice is Melting….” I broke each class up into two reading groups, with one group reading only the Arctic Ice article and the other group reading both of the other articles, since they were shortish.

      All students individually worked on the Readworks homework assignment and the Regents Test Questions. I added some of the pros and cons from, along with a TASC like essay prompt for the essay: Is Human Activity Primarily Responsible for Global Climate Change?

      I found it interesting that a number of students were on the fence with this issue and it was hard for them to write an essay where they had to take a position one way or the other.



  3. This is great! I’ve been looking into developing an environmental themed curriculum for the CUNY Language Immersion Program for a low level class. If anyone has book ideas please message me.

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