The CareerKits are a Great Way for Students at all Levels to Tackle Graphs

Each sector-based CareerKit, as well as Career Fundamentals, includes a graph created by the NYC Labor Market Information Service about each sector’s employment numbers  in each region of New York State.

Students practice graph interpretation by discussing the features of the graph.

They make statements and ask questions about the graph, and apply the content of the graph to their own interest in careers. Is there a demand for workers in their intended industry sector?

There are versions are this Job Losses and Gains graph for all regions of New York State.

Adapting Graphs for Lower Levels

Intermediate and low level students sometimes have a difficult time reading graphs. Two teachers in the Central Southern RAEN in upstate New York, Kathy Lent and Jennifer Kent-Isaacs, have created a lesson plan that shows teachers how to adapt the bar graphs for different regions in New York State, and also how to introduce the graphs to students even at low levels.  Their powerpoint and lesson plan shows how teachers can show students versions of the graph that have less information and gradually build up to versions that contain more information.  Introducing the graphs in increments enables students to process one piece of information at a time, and to gradually navigate their ways around the “parts” of a bar graph.

To access the materials, click here.

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