Free STEM Posters for Your Classroom

We don’t often talk about classroom décor, but our surroundings affect us – our attention, outlook, feelings of confidence, wellbeing. Architects and designers know this, and it’s something that impacts us wherever we go. A classroom can feel chaotic, orderly, creative, inspiring or calming.

What kinds of images and texts fill the walls of your class? Do leave up class agreements? Student writing? Group projects? Motivational messages? What is the impact of these images on the students?

Imagine the impact of being surrounded by images and descriptions of powerful female contributors to STEM fields. Having career-related images on the classroom walls is a great reminder to draw connections between the academic content you are addressing in the moment and career options. It can also remind students that people of all backgrounds can go on to do challenging, important and ground breaking work. Posters of STEM heroines are now available for download here.

What have you done with the physical space in your classroom or office to create a positive impact on students? Please leave a comment in the box below.

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