Unit 5: Nonlinear Functions

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Units 1-4 of the CUNY HSE Math Curriculum Framework focus on linear relationships and functions, and students have explored these relationships through tables, rules, and graphs.

In this unit, we introduce the concept of nonlinear functions. The core problem in this unit, the Job Offer Problem, will help students to see how the graph of a quadratic or polynomial function differs from the graph of a linear function, and they will develop a more nuanced understanding of rate of change. Students will also work with quadratic functions that model real-world applications to physics.


  • Using charts, tables, drawings, and graphs to analyze nonlinear change.
  • Graphing quadratic functions and relating them to function tables.
  • Generating outputs from a rule written in function notation.
  • Understanding constraints on the domain (possible inputs) of a
    function given a particular context.
  • Seeing and recognizing the difference between the graphs of quadratic
    and cubic functions.
  • Applying quadratic function rules in specific problem-solving contexts.


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