Population Density – Five’s a Crowd

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Students play a game in which they try to list 5 countries or states in order from most crowded to least crowded. Using area and population data from a Web site, they estimate quotients to make their list. They determine whose list is closest to the actual order by applying a mathematical model (scoring system), which they later evaluate.

You will need to look up more recent population data, but it’s easy enough to find online. Here’s an updated list of US states by population density.

Here’s some data that is boggling my mind right now… calculate and compare the population density of the United States versus the population density of New York City:

United States

  •  Population: 318.9 million (2014)
  • Land Area: 3.806 million miles²

New York City

  • Population: 8.406 million (2013)
  • Land Area: 304.6 miles²
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