Name Race

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This warm-up is great for the first day of class. It’s a low-pressure, fun way to encourage use of names without asking anyone to memorize.

  • Everyone gets in a circle. The object of the activity is for everyone to say their name in order, as fast as possible, but without interrupting each other. Using an Iphone or other stopwatch, time how quickly we can all say our name. Any predictions on how long it will take? Is everyone ready?
  • The facilitator should say their name and start the stopwatch at the same time to begin the race. Hit stop when the last student says their name. How long was that? Listen for estimates. Reveal the actual time by showing your phone or stopwatch. How long was it? (14.25 seconds, for example). Did we beat our estimated time?
  • Hmm, do you think we can beat that time? Hit Start again. (On a Iphone, this will continue the stopwatch without resetting). Reveal it to the group (22.56 seconds, for example). What?! We didn’t beat it? “That was faster!” “Something’s wrong!” “Wait, you forgot to hit reset.” Oh… so, did we beat it? “Yes, 22.56 – 14.25 is about 8 seconds! We beat it!” To everyone else, is that right?
  • Congratulations! Applause for everyone.
  • It’s good to follow this activity (and other icebreakers) with reflection as a group: What was that like for you? Why do you think it’s helpful to do an activity like this in a class?
  • Some important take-aways:
    • We should know and use each others’ names
    • Teamwork makes us powerful
    • We can work together as a community to take on challenges

Adapted from the fantastic book, Moving Beyond Icebreakers.

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